The baby's father in the womb is still mysterious Sheila Marcia

Sheila Marciaafter examination in the womb ultrasound (ultrasonography) Midwifery, RS Harapan Bunda, Pasarrebo, East Jakarta. artist Sheila Marcia Joseph (20) crying in his mother's arms, she wept when asked by the doctor who examined it, who the biological father of her fetus. Sadness is when tertus continues wartawarn asking the same thing.
Biological father Sheila fetus in the womb is now nine months old is still mysterious. He was touched when he saw the baby at the time of the 4-dimensional ultrasound.
Sheila came to the Harapan Bunda Hospital at around 13:00 and content inspection for about four hours. Actress whose weight is now up to 71 pounds were admitted to give birth normally.
Birth preparation has been done. Sheila had bought the stroller, diapers, baby dress up in white, she did not want to know the sex of fetus. Baby names boy and girl also was prepared.
With age who had approached the womb during childbirth, Sheila each week content inspection. According to Dr. Djaja Kusli SpOG Arman, obstetricians Harapan Bunda Hospital, Sheila normal pregnancy.
Sheila was released from detention center bamboo hut, East Jakarta. last week, after a rest period of detention for five months. Sheila became prisoners for carrying drugs.

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